Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fun Thursday!

Today was a great day thanks to my cyber/crafting friends (you know who you are) and quality with my DD:) Together my DD (Dear Daughter) and I worked to create a t-shirt. I designed a Smurf body for her and she fell in love with it. The next thing I know, she has the Cricut set up and ready. I believe that was a hint to get it completed. LOL! Anyway, we were crafting buddies for the day! I value the time we share, they grow up so fast!

So, what has our crafting "Sweet Peas" been working on? Barbara and I would love to hear from you. Inquiring mines want to know!

Please share in the comment section below.


1 comment:

  1. OMG, Sweet Pea, please tell Sponge that I said this turned out SO darling!! EXTRA BONUS points to her for getting into the Cricut at such an early age. YIPPIE ~ another Sweet Pea-in-training!! I LOVE the blue-on-blue; her shirts just POPS. Great job, Sponge!
